From the inception of North Front Sound, we have been privileged to have been led by excellent directors. In keeping with that grand tradition, North Front Sound is pleased to announce that Adam Scott has agreed to join us as director beginning June 6th.

Adam holds a M.M. in choral conducting from Oklahoma State University and a B.A. in music composition from Utah State University. He worked previously as music educator and editor of music publications for the Barbershop Harmony Society and currently serves as the VP of Music and Performance for the Rocky Mountain District of the BHS. He is certified with the BHS as a judge in the Music category and is a long-time faculty member of Harmony University.
Adam has written and/or arranged over five hundred pieces of music, including over a hundred barbershop arrangements for quartets and choruses. His classical music is sung by many High Schools and colleges in North America. He has collaborated with composers and arrangers including Dr. Kirby Shaw and Deke Sharon. He is published by MusicSpoke, Music House Publications, and his own private studio.
Adam has sung every part in many different ensembles, and sings bass with Switch. He owns a private music studio in northern Utah and lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his wife Bethany and four (loud) boys.