North Front Sound seeks Advertising Sponsors for

North Front Sound: 10 Years of Harmony
4:00 PM and 7:00 PM shows June 15th, 2024
Legacy Preparatory Academy Theater
2214 S 1250 W, Woods Cross, UT 84087
How are my sponsorship dollars used?
From 10 initial members in 2014, North Front Sound has grown to a chartered chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society with over 30 active members and energetic directors and administration, and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Utah corporation. Your sponsorship of these September events can help us propagate this unique American artform, barbershop harmony, and enrich the community by making the following possible:
- Community & Educational outreach
- Show production costs, venue rental, sound & lighting, props, costumes, playbill printing
- Small honorarium for talented, professional musical directors to help us achieve our best
- Training for our leadership to help us run as efficiently and productively as possible
- Continuing education for our musical leadership team
- Coaching from experienced and accomplished musicians from around the country
- Attracting big-name guests to perform with us, increasing our exposure and ticket sales
- Advertising to increase exposure, boosting recruiting and performance opportunities
- Staging Youth in Harmony events to help young people keep singing for life
- Performing for free or reduced rates for church groups, veterans, and seniors
- Annual fees to copyright holders which allow us to perform their works
What benefits does sponsorship offer me or my business?
- Tax-deductible contribution to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization
- Graphical advertising in the playbills for two shows of North Front Sound: 10 Years of Harmony in a theater which seats 300 guests
- Listing as a sponsor on our website, with a link to your own site
- Complimentary tickets to see the show included with most sponsorship levels
- Discounts on future North Front Sound performance bookings and singing valentines
How to become a sponsor
Please visit to select from the following sponsorship levels. All sponsorships come with a listing on as well as discounts on future North Front Sound performance bookings and singing valentines.
Harmony Sponsor – $1,000
- Naming rights for the event, inclusion of logo on all event materials
- Featured on all advertising, including social media, emails, website, show posters
- Option to display a sign in the lobby
- Opportunity for sponsor to speak at the event
- Double page ad (8.5″ x 11″ horizontal) in the center of event programs
- Name mentioned from stage
- Top position on sponsor listings at
- 10 tickets to North Front Sound: 10 Years of Harmony
Director Sponsor – $500
- Back cover ad (8.5″ x 5.5″ vertical) in event programs
- 6 tickets to the show
Tenor Sponsor – $250
- Full page (8.5″ x 5.5″ vertical) ad in event programs
- 4 tickets to the show
Lead Sponsor – $150
- Half page (4.25″ x 5.5″ horizontal) ad in event programs
- 2 tickets to the show
Baritone Sponsor – $100
- Quarter page (4.25″ x 2.75″ vertical or 5.5″ x 2.125″ horizontal) ad in event programs
Bass Sponsor – $50
- Name listed in event programs